Micro Frontends
Micro Frontends
What isMicro
Micro Frontends architecture has taken the concept of microservices and deployed them in the front-end and The term Micro Frontends first came up in ThoughtWorks Technology Radar at the end of 2016.
Micro frontends are a new pattern where web application UIs (front ends) are composed from semi-independent fragments that can be built by different teams using different technologies. Micro-frontend architectures resemble back-end architectures where back ends are composed from semi-independent microservices.
Front-end development techniques have changed. Now that
development teams are able to separate the monolith into smaller, feature-level
parts, microservice ideas are being brought into the frontend world of
Applying Ideas to Frontend Development Now, what is happening
is that the service development team and the frontend are different teams. This
is work that is clearly separated from different layers, causing many problems
in the process of development and maintenance.
The first picture shows the development of a Monolith system,
meaning there is no separation between Front and Business logic.
The second picture It has begun to separate the Front and
Business logic layers into two blocks, which are Frontend and Backend (keep the
business logic).
The Third picture
backend is broken down into smaller sub-services to make it easier to
develop, more agile to deploy.
This image is what looks different from the frontend monolith development model, that is, development teams are divided into administration and development by business domain, with missions that vary by group. By comparison, it's output, but it's also for teams to see what outcome every layer they're involved in. This will drive the development team to take a different perspective.
Micro Frontends - extending the microservice idea to frontend development (micro-frontends.org)
Micro frontends—a microservice approach to front-end web development - Tom Söderlund - Medium